Our Pastor

Pastor Kelvin & Sherrie Swanson
Kelvin was saved & baptized at the age of 12, on July 3rd 1966. He grew up in a preacher’s home and is the son of Dr. Melvin Swanson, founding and former pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Rockford, IL.
In August of 1973, Kelvin married his childhood sweetheart, Sherrie Coad. While working full time at a local grocery store in 1974, Kelvin assisted his dad in the bus ministry and became the church Bus Director.
In May of 1978, God called Kelvin to preach and to enter into full time Christian service at the 25th anniversary service of his dad’s ministry at Berean.
In July of 1978, he became the church custodian and took correspondence courses from Patriot University with a major in Bible and Pastoral studies. In 1980 he was put on staff at Berean as an assistant Pastor.
After serving 17 years at Berean in Rockford, Pastor Swanson and his wife Sherrie, felt God’s call to the Berean Baptist Church of Beloit Wisconsin, where he became the Pastor of the church in September of 1995.
Through the leadership of Pastor Swanson and the faithful members of Berean and most importantly, because of the blessings of God, the church has grown from 30 to an average of 160 per Sunday.
In July of 2007, Berean purchased their present facility, located at 1992 Shopiere Rd. in Beloit. The church is on about 4 acres of land with space for present and future growth.
Pastor Swanson and the people of Berean Baptist Church continue to see people saved, baptized and added to the church.
Pastor & Sherrie have 3 children – Mike, Troy and Lindsie, a daughter in-law, Joanna and, a son
in-law, Aaron, and 7 grandchildren: Elisa, Tyler, Ethan, Collin, Eli, Brooklynn, and Parker.
If you are ever in Beloit, please stop by and visit Pastor Swanson and the Berean Baptist Church.

Brad Molander - Assistant Pastor
Pastor Brad Molander is a full-time assistant Pastor and has been faithfully serving God for 25 years under the leadership of Pastor Swanson. Pastor Brad & his wife Beth were married in 1997. They have 4 children Isaac, Zach, Austin, & Mikayla.

Aaron Combs - Youth Pastor
Pastor Aaron Combs is the youth Pastor at Berean and has been faithfully serving the Lord since 2006. He and his wife Lindsie have been a wonderful and consistent example to our teens. Many young souls have been saved and many lives have been changed because of their service to the King. They have two children, Brooklynn and Parker.